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Reflections: Impact of Nutrition on Hearing, Growth Mindset, In Chaos there is Faith, Hope, Love

The summer is winding down. I am hopeful that you got to enjoy some of it. Below I share with you some interesting information on the impact nutrition has on our hearing. I have had the opportunity to play golf routinely and am always humbled by this challenge and have committed to having a "growth mindset" with this sport! Lastly, my heart has been broken by the devastation that disasters both natural and human made have caused. With that I'm reminded of faith, hope, and love.


Hearing and nutrition - Interplay between hearing loss and nutrition deficit

Hearing loss can be quite serious. It is linked to other diseases like cognitive decline, cardiovascular events, as well as emotional and mental health effects like isolation and loneliness. When I think of hearing impairment, one of the first things of course that comes to mind is loud noise. I take that seriously and use precautions such as wearing ear plugs when blow drying my hair and using noise cancelling headphones on airplanes. It should come as no surprise however, that our nutrition plays a role in our hearing as well but it did, at least to me.

This past month an article really caught my attention. It discussed a study showing that the onset and progression of hearing loss linked to nutritional status. In other words, nutrition can impact auditory function. Research suggests an increased risk for hearing loss from a high-glycemic diet. Things that possibly would benefit hearing health include caloric restriction, omega-3 fats and micronutrients like vitamin C, folate, carotenoids, and antioxidants.

Challenge for you:

Keep in mind that lots of carbohydrates and sugar-laden “foods” not only can impact your waistline but also your hearing ability. Another reason to eat quality fresh foods of vegetables, proteins, and healthy carbohydrates. Remember your vitamin c!


Growth mindset

One of things I like about golf is how utterly challenging it is. It can never be mastered but you can have moments of greatness. Often written about and becoming more discussed is the mental aspect of the game. A good book about this came recommended to me - Golf is not a Game of Perfect by Bob Rotella.

With my golf game I am keeping a growth mindset. As the former commander of the Navy SEALS Mark Divine reminds us:

I can learn from my mistakes.

I can improve by working hard.

I will never give up.

I am determined to do my best.

Self-reflection will help me succeed.

I can overcome challenges with effort.

I can train my brain.

Challenge for you:

Reflect upon your own mindset. Is it one of growth? I can improve by working hard. Is it fixed? I don't have good genetics to improve. Monitor your internal dialogue. If it is negative, replace it with a positive, empowering new one.


Faith. Hope. Love.

This summer the United States and Canada have been hit with extreme weather conditions including hurricanes and countless fires. Other parts of the world hear the sounds of bombs being dropped and homes and lives destroyed. So...I’m praying for favorable weather conditions, support from local and federal governments, and wise decisions made by leaders in our country and around the world.

Challenge for you:

We all are called to live on Faith. Walk in hope. Live in love. Let's do that.

To your reflection and health,

Lisa Schaffer

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