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Fitness for Body, Mind and Spirit

GreenNote Life

Fitness for the body, mind & spirit

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Reflections: body, mind, and spirit... walking, golf, reading and more

Here's what I've been doing for Body, Mind, and Spirit.


Walking, Walking, More walking. Golf season has picked up with the weather cooperating so I'm doing something that I really enjoy and that is golfing. The course that I play is conducive to walking. That, combined with warm-temperatures, and high-humidity makes it a "walking sauna" - good for sweating out toxins. During the summer, I tend to "lean out" a little bit; I attribute part of this to walking, golfing, and getting plenty of water with lemon - refreshing!

Challenge for you:

Get outside and walk! Take advantage of having more daylight. Marcus Aurelius says you could be good today but instead you chose tomorrow. Don’t wait for tomorrow, do it today.


Last month I wrote about the on-line reading challenge that I was doing. Absolutely loved it! One of the challenges that they presented was making the time to read. They gave us this to ponder - “I would love to read more, I just can’t find the time.” The truth is, you can quite easily find the time, you’re just choosing not to accept the fact that it requires a trade off. That you have to take time from somewhere else and give it to your books…”

When I read that I immediately thought about making time for those things that bring us value, exercise and good nutrition, for example. There is definitely a trade off. Making time for valuable things is a habit.

Challenge for you:

Fill your time you usually spend scrolling your phone or seeking the next binge worthy TV show with something more meaningful. Begin today - choose a portion of your daily screen time. Replace it with something that will help you improve and bring you value.


Today it’s all about walking. It benefits the body, clears the mind, and nourishes our spirit. The stoic Seneca talks about taking wondering walks. Giving the mind over to relaxation. Author Ryan Holiday adds to this that we have to have time for stillness, reflection, and peace - this is more important than you think.

Aside from walking while golfing, I take advantage of the extra daylight and get in a nice morning walk. The quiet and stillness brings me peace.

Challenge for you:

Wait for it…yes, just get outside and walk! Make the time for stillness and peace. Make it a habit.

Quote I'm reading

~ Marcus Aurelius

“Such as are your habitual thoughts, such also will be the character of your mind.”

To your reflection and health,

Lisa Schaffer

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