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Fitness for Body, Mind and Spirit

GreenNote Life

Fitness for the body, mind & spirit

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Thoughtful Thursday…Vacation body-reset: 3 resources to get back on track...

Welcome to Thoughtful Thursday. This GreenNote Fitness newsletter mindfully gathers and distills useful information that is supportive to our journey. It is my mission to educate, inspire, and propel you into action that moves you towards your goals and life of purpose. Take control of your journey today.

The days are getting noticeably shorter. Summer is winding down. I am hopeful that you enjoyed time outdoors, maybe doing some traveling, and perhaps some BBQ’s with great-tasting libations.

Being on vacation or attending lots of outdoor parties can be so much fun and so needed. We get to enjoy wonderfully delicious foods and knock back some cocktails. Although very enjoyable, it can sometimes leave us feeling a little out of sorts; we may have missed some workouts and eating healthy. Further we may have put on a few pounds.

Fear not!

In today’s newsletter we look at what we can do to blast some fat and reset our bodies.

This newsletter discusses strengthening shoulders. What I love, love, love, about the exercise demonstrated here is that although primarily a shoulder strengthening exercise, so many other muscles are involved, making this compound movement also a calorie-burner. Looking to blast some of those sugary-desserts you enjoyed on vacation? Do this exercise.

Vacation Body Reset Resource #2.) Your guide to burning fat

It doesn’t get any clearer than the title of the above newsletter. This is especially helpful coming off a vacation as that is when we tend to enjoy more of our favorite libations. What’s important to know is alcohol specifically can really pack on the fat due, simply put, to the way our body metabolizes alcohol. You can read more in the study here.

Burning Fat

Regardless of how we have obtained our additional fat, this newsletter provides many great tips for burning fat, what constitutes nutritious food, and an example week based on 3 days of a fasted morning workout. If I do say so myself, it’s gold! Print this out and refer to it.

Vacation Body Reset Resource #3.) Burn fat by wearing a cold vest

Yes, I’m bring out the cold vest! This newsletter provides the studies that support and explains how cold thermogenesis works. There are so many benefits including: lowering blood sugar; enhancing deep sleep; reducing food cravings; and oh yeah, reducing fat. Get your cold on!

How are you getting back on track from a great vacation?

I’d like to know.

Please leave comments in the comment section.

Enjoy your journey,

Lisa Schaffer

You wouldn’t happen to know just one person that would benefit from this information? Please forward it to them!

Did you miss last week’s newsletter on 3 resources for fit and functional bodies…?

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