Oct 6, 2021
Oct. 2021: Here's what I've been doing for Body, Mind, and Spirit
Body The denser your mitochondria (the power plants of your cells), the healthier you are going to be, the better you are going to feel,...

Sep 9, 2021
Here's what I've been doing for Body, Mind, and Spirit
Body In my newsletter, Four Tips to Boost Your Immunity, one of the tips I discussed was rebounding. I've been incorporating this more...

Aug 4, 2021
Here's what I've been doing for Body, Mind, and Spirit
Body I came across this quote on movement and thought it helps to explain its importance. “In Nature, we never repeat the same motion; in...

Jun 26, 2021
My morning coffee got even better...!
Almost every morning I enjoy my piping hot coffee. Not just any coffee but coffee made by my friends at Kion. You see, Kion goes the...

May 28, 2021
Fill your body & mind with goodness - A Memorial Day Sale!
How are you doing? No matter if you struggled this past year or met all of your fitness goals, the truth is we all need products that are...

May 5, 2021
May challenge brings...discipline and a stronger core...
Summer is right around the corner. We've had the winter to work on strengthening our immunity and our ever-important mitochondria. For...